Site Updates

   December 22, 2001


   December 20, 2001

This'll be the last update of Fitter Happier until the New Year, folks. Don't cry =(!!! Anyway, uhm... I updated the News. And also added a slight bit of info to the Everything In Its Right Place page. Interesting. Have a great Christmas and New Year!

   December 18, 2001

Gave the News page a bit of Christmas spirit. If that's what you could call it =o

   December 17, 2001

News, you say? Why... I don't mind if I do.

   December 14, 2001

Updated the News once again. Will probably be doing a few odd jobs here and there, too.

   December 13, 2001

News and.. .wait for it... A finally updated completely 100% up to date Radiohead Songs A-Z! Took me a bloody couple of months, but there it is!

   December 11, 2001

The other day, I almost lost it... I just didn't think life was worth living for. Then I got an email from Fitter Happier. They'd updated their News section.


I'm okay now. Life is worth living again. I'm so grateful. Join Fitter Happiertoday, and make your life worth living! *big cheesy American commercial type grin*.


   December 7, 2001

And yet more wonderful News.

   December 5, 2001

News. Ok.

   December 2, 2001

Okay it's a new month, which might be good to some but for me it just means moving lots of junk into archives. Oh well =D Today I updated the Updates Archives as well as the News Archives, and also we have some more News.

Will I ever find time to re-vamp the A-Z of Songs?

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