A kind of documentary/film. Though Meeting People is Easy really fits into neither category. It's not a film, because it
follows no distinct plot. It's about real life. But it's not a documentary, because it lacks any narration or voiceover
explaining the situation throughout. Grant Gee (the director) has said "It's basically a film put together of a thousand
bits". And he's very right.
The video follows Radiohead around on their OK Computer tour, which lasted about a year. It isn't
designed to be some fun happy 'let's follow Radiohead on tour this is gonna be so cool yay!' entertainment piece. More, it's
a look at touring with bands from the inside, looking out. We follow Radiohead as they meet, and shake the hands of thousands of people. Attend
endless award ceremonies. Taking part in interview upon interview. Playing at thousands of stadiums for fans, but never
seeing any of the city you're playing at. Only the inside of a hotel room. It's supposed to highlight the hell that
touring can be for a successful band. This it does... brilliantly.
"He sat down and watched it all back-to-back the other night, and said it was funny to note how perky we all
are at the start of the tour, and how rounded our shoulders and dark around the eyes we become as
the tour progresses." - Jonny
Grant Gee: "A bunch of articulate, essentially shy people who, somehow, are able to create this huge, astonishing
music and as a result find themselves in the strange/insane/seductive world of end-of-the-century-celebrity with thousands
of people wanting to meet them, thousands of cameras and microphones constantly siphoning off little bits of them."
For fans of Radiohead, this is a brilliant film. With live clips, and an interesting insight into the band, and how they begin to buckle under
the pressure of being famous. It's also a class video for someone interested in the way the music industry works, and what it's like
to actually be in a band that is touring. If you hate Radiohead, though.. this could well bore you.