# 29th April 2001
There's gonna be a Radiohead concert on telly :D
Radiohead played a gig in France yesterday for a Canal+ audience in Paris. It didn't seem to all go quite as smoothly
as was planned, though. Thom apparently stopped the show countless times because he wasn't happy with it. Even the
other band members didn't seem to understand what was going on... He kept coming back, though. And at one point said "It's
alright now, we've taken our pills". Yeah, tis about time, mate :D
The band also played a previously unheard cover of Neil Young's Cinnamon Girl. Interesting. For a full setlist of the tracks
played, go to At Ease's news page. Nice one, guv.
MTV|2 UK are going to be showing Radiohead Live in Dublin on Tuesday May 8th at 9pm GMT. Booka! Make sure not to miss it!
The June 23rd show at the Gorge Amphitheatre in George, WA has been confirmed by Ticketmaster. They're going to be
selling tickets on May 12th at 9am. You can also camp out at the Gorge Campground beforehand if you want. You'll need a ticket, for it though.
Musique Plus have hinted that Radiohead are going to be playing in Montreal on August 3rd 2001. Can't confirm it or
anything yet, though... The Pyramid Song video is also to premier on the channel on April 30th at
[cheers Green Plastic Radiohead]
There's also a review of Amesiac up at Worldpop.
Right, some d00ds called Black Forest have made a trance remix of Pyramid Song. I haven't heard it, so I've no clue what
it sounds like, but go here if you wanna check it out.
[cheers Climbing Up The Walls]
Apparently, MTV|2 UK were showing Radiohead Live from the 10 Spot yesterday. I didn't hear anything about it until it was over ;_; Did anyone see it?
# 27th April 2001
Y'ever notice how like, no one uses tapes anymore?
102.1 Edge (a Canadian radio station) announced that Radiohead are going to be coming to Toronto in August, with their 'big white tent'. More news as we get it.
Also, Dallas radio station 93.3 The Merge has confirmed the June 18th
Houston gig. It's gonna be at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion.
There also be another review of Amnesiac, at Farfield Mirror. They know
what they're talking about, too :) Though they got the ending lyrics to You And Whose Army wrong... Or I did.
[cheers Follow Me Around]
# 26th April 2001
There was nothing to fear and nothing to dooooooooouuuuuubt
The full Pyramid Song video is now up at Planet Telex. You can
get it in both Real Video (5mb) and MPEG (19mb) formats. Go to the Planet Telex News page now!
The University of Iowa's listening party (in Iowa city) has been postponed to May 1st at 9pm. It's going to be at
the Airliner restaurant on Clinton Street. For more listening party dates, go here!
The May issue of Creative Review Magazine (Never heard of it, but apparently it's a UK thing) has an interview with
Shynola about the Pyramid Song video. Apparently, it's about a dream Thom had about 'survivors floating in an aircraft carrier
after an unknown disaster or event'. Interesting. You can read the whole interview at Follow Me Around. A link to
it is on their news page.
There are a few great Amnesiac posters and stickers at Green Plastic Radiohead.
Check their news page!
According to Climbing Up The Walls, EMI Japan have announced the
tracklist to the Pyramid Song single. Tis as follows:
01. Pyramid Song
02. Fast Track
03. Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
04. Trans-Atlantic Drawl
05. Kinetic
It's going to be out on May 16th for 1,500 yen! And with an extra track :O! But, when are we gonna hear the tracklist
for the UKs CD1 & CD2 Pyramid Song single, eh?
# 25th April 2001
When I go forwards, you go backwards...
Apparently, there's going to be an announcement on May 1st about the Radiohead US and Canadian tours. It's only
a rumour, so don't get all excited... But it could reveal dates, locations and where to get ticket info etc. Hope so :)
[thanks Green Plastic Radiohead]
Billboard.com is reporting this:
"Radiohead fans will soon be able to have information on the revered U.K. rock act delivered to them directly online,
thanks to a new promotion between Capitol Records and Active Buddy Inc. The instant messaging "agent,"
accessible through an entry in the user's "buddy list," will be able to respond to questions and information
requests about the band, including tour dates, biographies, Web site links, and "Amnesiac"-related queries.
Radiohead fans are being asked to provide suggestions for additional content."
Sounds interesting. Should be good if they sort it properly... Anyway, you can read more at: Billboard.com
| Yahoo! News | MTV Online News
[cheers Follow Me Around]
# 23rd April 2001
Waking up at 3:30pm isn't quite as bad... Move into the country, gonna eat a lot of locals.

The full Pyramid Song video is available for download! MTV.co.uk
has got it up. I'm not sure if it actually works, because my Real Player is cabbaged. Should do, though.
At EASE seem to think it works. You can get it here!
Stanley Donwood was on the Official Message Board
yesterday, and said he'd have the new Radiohead site up by June 5th. For anyone
who doesn't know, they rejig the website every time a new album is due out.
Some bird called Penelope Cruz (an actress apparently... something to do with Tom Cruise) had an interview with the
Daily Telegraph (UK Newspaper) and she got all bleary eyed at the mention of Radiohead's Kid A! Here's some of it
"When she talks about her current favourite CD for example, Kid A by Radiohead, I swear she almost starts to cry.
'When I figured out the lyrics in that first song - you know the one I mean about waking up sucking a lemon? It
just hurt me so much. I don't know what happened to the guy who wrote that song, but I was going through a difficult
time in my life at the time when I heard it, and now,' she solemnly crosses the fingers of both hands and twists her
wrists, 'I have something like a bond with that record. I am obsessed with it.'"
Now come on, love... Even I'm not that bad. You can read the whole thing here.
There was also mention of the band in an article called 'The New Face Of Protest'. Here's the Radiohead part:
"First the Beastie Boys managed to reinvent consciousness-raising with their Free Tibet
events. Then one of the world's most popular bands, England's Radiohead, aligned itself with antiglobalization,
declaring its tour tent an ad-free zone and praising Toronto writer Naomi Klein's movement tome, No Logo. They
even considered borrowing Klein's title for their latest album, Kid A, where singer Thom Yorke's information-age
anxiety loops out into fractured vistas of "post-rock" sound."
You can again, read the whole thing here.
[shout goin' out to FMA | At EASE | Climbing Up The Walls]
# 22nd April 2001
Waking up at 4pm is not good. In any case...
As was reported yesterday, the Pyramid Song video is being played on MTV & MTV|2 UK. I've actually seen it now,
so I can confirm it. Wew, it's ace :D The man swimming about just fits the song so perfectly. And towards the end when he
finally sits in his chair, it's just wonderful. The video isn't on all too frequently, but if you just sit and wait,
you'll catch it.
You can also see a 30 second clip of the video at MuchMusic.com.
The video will be hitting Canadian television on April 30th at 4:30pm ET. It's as yet unconfirmed whether the US will be getting this video. We'll
keep you informed.
This was on WKQX-FM Q101 (a Chicago radio station):
"Radiohead's new CD, Amnesiac, doesn't come out in stores until June 5th. That's a long time from right now. However,
if you're a 101 Club Member you'll have the opportunity to win passes to the PRE-CD-RELEASE party for Radiohead's new CD,
Amnesiac. The party goes down May 8th at the plush "Foundation Room" at The House of
Blues in downtown Chicago. All winners will receive a copy of "Amnesiac" that night!! A full month before it's in
stores!!!" More info.
The Amnesiac releases are to be set out like this:
- The regular CD will feature a 28 page booklet in a jewel case. You can pre-order it here, from Amazon
- The limited edition CD will contain a 32 page hardback booklet. You can pre-order that here, again from Amazon
[thanks Follow Me Around]
Beck.com has confirmed the Oxford opening solo for Radiohead on July 7th. You
can see the rest of his European tour details here.
There's a review of Plastic Mutations (that Radiohead tribute album thingy) over at Pitchfork Media.
It takes quite a bashing, too ;)
# 20th April 2001
The amazing sound of an orgy, eh?
The Pyramid Song video has premiered on UK TV! MTV have shown it at least once, so start watching :D There's
a description of it at At EASE. Check their news page.
Amnesiac is to be played back in its entirety at the following US collages:
Austin Peay State Univ. Clarksville,TN on 4/25 @ 8pm, Harvill Cafeteria
Clark College, Vancouver, WA/ Portland on 4/24 @ 8pm, Billards Plus
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO on 4/26 @ 12-3pm, The Plaza
Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY on 4/28 @ 8pm, Willard Straight Hall
DePaul Univ. Chicago, IL on 4/23 @ 8-11pm, Student Center
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL on 4/24 @ 11am, Spring Bar-B-Q
Georgetown Univeristy, Washington D.C., on 4/27 @10-11pm, Metro Café
NYU, New York City, NY on 4/19 @6-8pm, The Thompson Center
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH on 4/25 @ 4:30pm, Ohio Union West Lawn
Ohio University, Athens, OH on 4/25 @12pm, Four Front on the Green
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ on 4/23 @12pm, Campus Center
Stanford University, Stanford, CA on 5/3 @10am-2pm, Coffee House
Syracuse Univ. Syracuse, NY on 4/23 @ 7-9pm, Schine Student Center
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA on 5/1 @ Kerckhoff Grand Salon
Univ. of Wisconsin. Madison, WI on 4/26 @ 8pm, Memorial Union
Univ. of California, San Diego, CA on 4/22 @2-4pm, The Price Center Theatre
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO on 4/26 @ 8pm, Hellems Room #252
University of Delaware, Newark, DE on 4/26 @ 6-9pm, The Scrounge
University of Iowa, Des Moines, IA on 4/24 @ 9pm, Airliner
University of Texas, Austin, TX on 4/26 @ 11am-1pm, Texas Union Showroom
USC, Los Angeles, CA on 4/24 @6pm, Outside
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA on 4/25 @ 5-10pm, Colonial Hall
EMI Canada has announced the B-Sides to their Pyramid Song single. The tracklist is:
01. Pyramid Song
02. The Amazing Sound Of Orgy
03. Trans-Atlantic Drawl
04. Kinetic
The Meeting People Is Easy DVD was released in Australia yesterday.
Try Sanity or HMV Australia.
There's an interestingly scary comic strip about some bloke called 'Mr Fuck'. The latest volume features Radiohead.
You can check it out here With Much Chagrin". It's a bit of a laugh.
[thanks Climbing Up The Walls]
The Hear/Say 'win some Radiohead prints' competition (which you can read about here has now stopped taking entries. From April 23rd to April 30th, readers have to vote who will win by reading the entry essays. You
can vote here(say). Ahhh ha ha ha.
Tickets for the June 27th Radiohead show at the Shoreline Amphitheater will be going on sale on May 13th. They're gonna cost you about $13. Check the Ticketmaster out.
[thanks At EASE]
# 19th April 2001
Oh the Grand Old Duke of York... He had 10 thousand men...
The 4 track Amnesiac promo is being given away by Virgin EMI New Zealand. If
you're from New Zealand, go here
for your chance to win one of the 10 promos.
The promo contains the following Amnesiac tracks:
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
Pyramid Song
I Might Be Wrong
Knives Out
At least I think that's what it has on it... :p
[thanks Follow Me Around]
Music Critic.com has an artists spotlight feature
on Radiohead, including a bit of a background story, and reviews of all their major releases, including all the albums,
Meeting People Is Easy and more.
There are some more Amnesiac reviews at At EASE. Check the news page.
# 17th April 2001
Dancing Queen, only 17!... Sorry
Radio stations all over the globe are playing tracks from Amnesiac! Australian
radio station Triple J has been playing 'Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box', 'Pyramid Song' and 'I Might Be Wrong'.
US stations such as 107.7 The End in Seattle, and K-Rock in New York have been playing the US
radio single 'I Might Be Wrong'. The Edge 102 in Toronto has been playing 'Pyramid Song', along with Radio 1
in the UK.
The singles are slowly spreading around the world. Ah, what joy :D
Jonny was at the good old Official Message Board again yesterday. Having this to say:
On touring in Latin America: "REM had fun - why can't we too ?"
On celebrating Easter: "there on the cross he was wounded for me. Gone my transgressions and now I am free, cos jesus
our saviour was wounded for me" (sung when we were 5, with accompianaing hand gestures and EVERYTHING. Then we ate
chocolate. Wierd.....)"
And after being asked what direction LP6 was going to take:
"lol....We HAVE a direction? and DID we ever ? I'm still lost....... "
Got a fansite? You can sign up for iBlip 2.0 to be placed on your site, here. The form kind of
assumes the whole world is American, though...
You can also download some Amnesiac e-mail backgrounds from the Capitol Records Site.
Radiohead is to perform at the Rock-am-Ring 2001 (a German rock festival). German TV channel WDR
will be airing some of the show, starting at 1:55am [local time].
The NYC listening party which is to take place on April 19th at 8pm, has now been changed to include only NYC students. Apparently, due to lack
of seating. Gutted mate. You're gonna need a NYC ID to get yourself in. If you do have one, and are looking for more details, go here.
[thanks At EASE | Green Plastic Radiohead | Follow Me Around]
# 15th April 2001
Light another candle and release me...
Happy Easter! Aye, it's Easter Sunday... I only got 2 chocolate eggs... Gutted, mate
It's also Ed's Birthday! He's 33 today. Have a good one, mate :D
You can now pre-order Amnesiac at Amazon.co.uk! For the regular
CD, click here. And for the
Limited Edition version, click here
[both CDs are
UK versions. You can order the US CDs by going to Amazon.com]
The MTV|2 All Request Weekend is on again tonight! Radiohead didn't win yesterday, but if you're in
America, and you have MTV|2, then you can go here
and vote to see Radiohead - Live At The 10 Spot. The show starts at 10pm ET. At the moment, the lads have an 89% lead. So I think it's safe.
The first of a possible wave of negative press about Amnesiac has arrived in the form
of a Nude As The News review. You can read it here.
Apparently, Radiohead is going to record a one hour long concert that will be hitting tellys somewhere in the UK
in June. It's going to be on 'Later... With Jools Holland'. That's about all we know at this point.
An interview with Thom can be found here. It's a bit old.
From a few months after the release of Kid A. An interesting read, though.
[thanks Green Plastic Radiohead]
# 13th April 2001
Come on if you think you can take us all on!
IBlip 2.0 details! That's right, got some details of the new blips for you!
Set to launch on April 30th, the new IBlip will feature the following:
Full album listening party of Amnesiac
Videos for 'Pyramid Song' and more
An Interview with Ed and Colin
Live webcasts
National contest to win a trip for two to see the band in Los Angeles - a listener from the station with the most entries will win.
Radiohead postcards - send exclusive Radiohead postcards that arrive in the mail - now able to send internationally!
[thanks At EASE]
Sigur Rós is to be one of the opening acts for Radiohead's Oxford gig in July.
Tomorrow night (Saturday) at 8pm ET, American TV channel ABC will be showing 'William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet'. It's the
new(ish) one, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Never actually seen the film myself, and can't because I'm in good old Blighty. But
the film features 'Talk Show Host' in one scene, and 'Exit Music [For A Film] is played at the credits. The latter track was actually
written with Romeo & Juliet in mind.
[thanks Green Plastic Radiohead]
Today is Friday the 13th! So watch yourself ^^
# 12th April 2001
Well of course I'd like to sit around and chat...
Pyramid Song was played last night on Radio 1's Steve Lamaq show. He also got some positive feedback from it, including e-mails
saying "It's brilliant, there's so much emotion in it".
Our Amnesiac page was given a full update, including detailed song description and lyrics for Amnesiac! Check it out!
Here's a series of Amnesiac tidbits from Green Plastic:
- "I Might be Wrong" will be shipped to US radio stations on April 23.
- A 4-5 song track EP featuring 2 album tracks and B-sides will ship to US College Radio on April 24.
- The Amnesiac package will include 28 page four-color booklet.
- There will be a special limited edition in a special DVD case sized package covered in red fabric and logo embossed featuring a 32 page four-color booklet.
- The first video from 'Amnesiac' will be a fully animated piece for "Pyramid song" created by the minds at Shynola. The clip will be delivered in mid April and immediately ship to MTV, VH1 and all local/regional shows.
- There may be a "Knives Out" video released later this Summer
Also, IBlip 2.0 is to be released on April 30th! Remember IBlip? That cool arse thing that let you get Radiohead postcards, little animations with music clips
and all kinds of sweet stuff like that. Lovely.
Jonny was on the Official Message Board once again. When
asked if the lyrics for Amnesiac were to be released, he had this to say:
"The lyrics will be released one way or another,yes. But not so as to clog up the album artwork. Yes."
An interview with Steve Malkmus of Pavement, at Dotmusic had this to say about Radiohead:
"No-one's ever going to say that Blur is this brilliant, creative thing, like Radiohead. That's their curse on the pop
level. It probably does their heads in that they can't be like Radiohead, because they probably want to be. These big
bands you have like Oasis and Blur. I think there's so much more power in Radiohead, even if I like Blur."
You can read the rest here.
Finally... There's a rally going on against pop music, asking everyone to buy two or more copies of Amnesiac upon its release, then
keep the receipt, and get your money back a few weeks later on the extra copies. They're planning it to show industry bosses that original music does sell, and that the
public is fed up of manufactured pop. I'm up for it! You can read the full rant here. I'm
Fake Plastic Muppet in that thread :D
# 11th April 2001
And then it was again O_O
Remember! Pyramid Song, the new single from Amnesiac hits radio stations TODAY. If you're in the UK, tune in to 99.7FM for the best chance of hearing
it, on Radio 1.
Jonny was on the Official Message Board earlier today and had the following things to say. When
asked if the B-side Fast Track had any words, he said "A few", and when asked if the band appear in the video to Pyramid Song, said "No, NOT a good idea". Interesting.
Third Amnesiac listening party confirmed! That's right, you US folk. Another chance to hear the whole of Amnesiac
before it's released presents itself to you, this time from New York's NYU. The date is April 19th, and it starts at 8pm. The
address be: Thompson Center, 238 Thompson Street.
The details for the other two listening parties can be found here!
Japan shows ticket information!
October 3rd, 2001 - Yokohama - Tickets go on sale on April 14th from 12, till 8pm (local time). Call: 03 5237 9444.
Tickets are also available from the Ticket Pia, CN Play Guide, Lawson, e-plus on April 28th. If you live in the Tokyo area,
check out the J-Wave FM radio station today.
In the US? This weekend, TV station Mtv:2 is having a concert request type thingy. You can vote for your favourite concert
and at the end they'll show the winner on Saturday at 10pm (EST). Radiohead Live at the 10 spot is one of the choices, but it's
losing to Pearl Jam! You can help Mtv:2 sort their act out, here by voting for the 'head.
[thanks Green Plastic Radiohead and At EASE]
According to Chart Track, Radiohead are to tour Canada this summer. Well, that's what Riley O'Connor, House Of Blues Concerts Canada senior Vice President is saying.
When asked if the band will be bringing their tent on tour, he replied:
"That's a European tent they got. There are a lot of hurdles as far as fire code and engineering that they would have to get through before they start bringing it [their tent] to North America. It's a whole other reality, so they're just going to do outdoor live shows"
More information here.
Sparklehorse were joined by 'DJ Coz', otherwise known as Colin Greenwood the other night. He's guesting DJ for three low-key
shows in London's The Borderline Club. Jonny was with him last night, too. Tonight he'll be there again for the final show. Read more here.
[thanks Follow Me Around]
7 Television Commercials has been brought back into print! In both PAL and NTSC versions. Check w.a.s.t.e out.
# 10th April 2001
And just when news was flooding in, it wasn't...
AMNESIAC IS OUT THERE. That's right, the entire Amnesiac album is now available in studio form. You can get them from
A quote from Pitchforkmedia.com:
"Psst. Errant words overheard from robotic voices in the revolving doors of Capitol Records indicate that the Beta Band will tour our United States in June and August with Radiohead, as both bands celebrate the release of new records."
Interesting... and also unconfirmed, but you never know.
The June 18th show in Houston has been confirmed by Capitol Records. The venue looks to be The Woodlands Pavillion.
[thanks At EASE]
Thom has been on the Official Message Board
again. This time he apparently said Colin wants 'Life In A Glass House' as an upcoming single. I know what I'd like :) He also said he
hadn't heard anything about the Foot & Mouth gig Radiohead were supposedly in line for.
# 7th April 2001
Blimey, the news is flooding in...
B-Sides announced! Thom was on the Official Message Board again last
night, and had this to say when asked about Amnesiac B-Sides...
"ah i could tell you that. so long as i dont get shit if special requests arent included in the list. songs dont go away very often. they have to just wait a while. like i am desperate to finish true love waits. anyway in no order:
When asked what his favourite track on the new album is, Thom replied with:
you and whose army? coz it was fun to play and totally relaxed and the song wrote itself and i love colins double bass on it. or i might be wrong. because its sounds like the stones that it came out of. its a song that was always there waiting."
Another tribute album to Radiohead is to be released. Titled 'Anyone Can Play Radiohead', it's out on June 12th
through Cleopatra Records. The tracklist goes a little like this:
1. Silent Gray - Fitter Happier
2. Paige - No Surprises
3. Aleister Einstein - Creep
4. October Hill - Fake Plastic Trees
5. dotFash - Stop Whispering
6. Miranda Sex Garden - Exit Music (For A Film)
7. Secret Society - Planet Telex
8. Dragon Style - Karma Police
9. Diva Destruction - Climbing Up The Walls
10. The 2 Dipshits (featuring Meegs of Coal Chamber) - Everything In Its Right Place
11. The Illuminati - Subterranean Homesick Alien
12. P.M. Project - Bulletproof...I Wish I Was
13. Lunasect - How To Disappear Completely (And Never Be Found)
Hear/Say Contest: Yeah, when I first heard this I thought of that Popstars group too... But no, it's not them. Some
other company altogether! Anyway... They're giving away a set of 3 prints of Radiohead. To win them, you have to write
50/100 words in the form at the Hear/Say website, describing
where you're going to put the prints and the type of impact they'll have on your decor.
[thanks At EASE]
There's an interview with Ed at The New Zealand Herald.
Another Amnesiac listening party has been announced. This one is to take place at The University of Delaware on April 26th, between 6pm and 9pm
at the Scrounge, Perkins Student Centre. The other confirmed date for April 25th is at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, starting at 5pm until 10pm.
Launch, and Yahoo.com are reporting several American tour dates for the band around the release time of Amnesiac. These
are the dates which are being rumoured...
June 18th - Houston, TX
June 20th - Boulder, CO
June 23rd - George, WA
June 27th - San Francisco, CA
June 29th - Santa Barbara, CA
These dates are still unconfirmed by the band.
# 6th April 2001
I'm not liviiiiiiin'... I'm just killin' time
It looks increasingly likely that this is to be the cover to Amnesiac.
I wasn't sure if I should put it up, since it hadn't actually been confirmed by anyone that this is the cover, despite the fact
that it's showing up all over the place (including Radiohead.com). But now, EMI Music
are showing it as the cover, without saying "Not actual cover", which they usually say. What do you reckon? I like it, myself.
As for more tracks dripping out, here's a link to a site which has most of the tracks to have been released, in high quality downloadable mp3s http://filthy-groove.net/teamapathy/Radiohead/.
Didn't catch the name of the place.
[cheers to Fake Plastic Cheese of the Mortigi Tempo Forums].
Thom was on the Official Message Board last night, after someone said Amnesiac sounded poppy.
Thom replied with:
"knives out is POP! if its POP then listen to the WORDS. now thats P O P."
Jonny also turned up and said about the band playing in South America:
"Not planned, no, but talked about fondly by us all but then, we don't plan ahead anymore much.". And also, about
how the vocals to 'Like Spinning Plates' were done:
"He learnt it backwards, sung it like that then we turned the tape around, so you can hear the words. A real answer !!!"
[thanks to At EASE, and Follow Me Around]
You can now pre-order Amnesiac from the BBC here, and from
HMV Japan here. If that's what you're into.
Climbing Up The Walls has taken the Amnesiac promo track mp3s down from its server.
# 5th April 2001
We are the dollars and cents, and the pounds and pence...
Okay, bit of an overall Amnesiac round-up.
Firstly, Pyramid Song is to be released on 21st of May in the UK (CD1/CD2), Japan and Australia (1 CD). There will be 3 brand
new B-Sides spread across the CD1/CD2 singles.
There are going to be 2 videos. One filmed by Shynola, and the other by
Vapour Brothers. The former is going to be used with more alternative
TV stations, and the latter with more mainstream ones. The two videos were shot separately.
It's looking increasingly likely that 'I Might Be Wrong' is to be the first US single, released on May 1st. Don't
know anything else about this, yet.
Amesiac Leaked Tracks:
The following tracks from Amnesiac have been leaked, you may find them on Napster, with some trouble... Some of them are at
Climbing Up The Walls.
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
Pyramid Song
I Might Be Wrong
Dollars & Cents
You And Whose Army?
Amnesiac/Morning Bell
I actually caved, and listened to Dollars & Cents, since I saw them play it on tour anyway... It's a bloody choon!! Very different than live, though. Much more dark
and moody...
Ed and Phil are on Tour with Neil Finn. The final concert, this friday, will be webcast. Try nilfun.net
and NME.com. There are also some
quicktime clips of it at nilfun.net. There's also a review of the concerts
at The New Zealand Herald
# 4th April 2001
More track leakage!
Two more songs from the new album have been leaked out. Amnesiac/Morning Bell was played on French radio station
France Inter. You can probably find the mp3 on Napster, by now.
Also, I Might Be Wrong is now available out there, too. Try Napster again. Search for studio version or something. But
beware of fake files.
That makes 5 Amnesiac tracks which have been leaked out, now. Being namely
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box, Pyramid Song, You And Whose Army?, I Might Be Wrong and Amnesiac/Morning Bell.
Warning! I haven't listened to any of these studio versions, because I don't want to spoil the album for myself. So I can't
100% confirm they exist.
# 3rd April 2001
Amnesiac Playbacks!
You jammy yanks! Amnesiac is to be played continuously for 5 hour long periods open to the
public. Sponsored by MTV:2, and called 'First Listen: Radiohead', the playbacks will take place in 5 locations all over
the country. The first is to be at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia on April 25th, starting at 5pm. It's absolutely free too. We'll get the dates for the others
as soon as we know about them. For more information, go to VTU.org.
And also... Pablo Honey was named 9th worst album cover by Q4music.com.
Information gathered from Follow Me Around
Michael Eavis (the bloke who runs Glastonbury) is planning a concert to raise money in aid of the foot and mouth epidemic which has Britain reeling. It'll
be held in September near his farm in Somerset. He said on Radio 1 that he's trying to get in touch with Radiohead to see if they'd be interested in playing.
All cash raised would go towards helping sort this foot and mouth thing out. - Info gathered from At Ease
# 2nd April 2001
Drips and drabs...
According to Follow Me Around, R.E.M's new video has
Thom in it. He's dancing in the corner wearing a striped shirt. The video is for the song 'Imitation Of Life' I haven't actually
seen this though, and can't confirm it. I've since seen the video. He isn't in it.
Pearl Jam band member Jeff Ament had this to say about Kid A: "I liked it a
lot. I think the climate was right for them to do something like this. I think with "OK Computer," they were a band on
the verge of being huge. I think it's cool they threw a little curveball out there. It's an incredibly melodic record.
I think the only thing I miss is real lyrics. And I miss some of Jonny [Greenwood]'s guitar stuff. But they're a cool
band. Hopefully they just stay together and keep making music." - Read the full article here, at Billboard.com.
The ever busy Max has written a First Thoughts
on Amnesiac page at Planet Telex. Lovely.
# 1st April 2001
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box has been leaked out! The studio mp3 is now available from Napster. The question is,
are you going to download it, or wait? I'm trying my hardest to wait :D There are many fake versions, so make sure you
get the one that is exactly 4 minutes long.
Pyramid Song is to be released with 3 new B-sides. It's also confirmed that there will be two videos. These should be hitting
TV stations on April 10th.
There's a review of Amnesiac at HMV.com
And... today is April Fools day, so keep your eye out for evil people with false Radiohead news!