# 9th July 2001
July 7th 01. The greatest day in the world. No, I wasn't there either. | Posted by Paul - 09:37am |

es, on July 7th 2001 in their hometown of Oxford, Radiohead put on what is probably
the greatest gig they'll ever perform. And I was in my cousin's house watching Wimbledon. Makes you wonder why I carry on at all :)
Anyway, not a lot to get through today so here goes...
That gig, that setlist, and information on how to see it. The setlist is here.
Apparently at the end
(the 3rd encore, no less) Thom started to play Motion Picture Soundtrack and then suddenly pushed the organ away
and said "This is a bit of an old one" and the whole band started playing Creep! They haven't played it in five years! Well, I thought
that would have been quite a memorable moment anyway. Do you think they should have played it? Discuss it in our forums!
And if you're desperate for that mp3. Yes, the Creep one, then they've only gone and put it up at Kinetic! Go get! [nice one Michael]
If you missed the live as it happens webcast of the show, for example you had to go to your cousin's birthday thingy... Then XFM will be putting the entire gig up
for streaming on demand on July 15th. So go to XFM now =O!
If you want to see the episode of South Park that is to have Radiohead in it, you can get it at www.spgermany.com apparently, on July 11th.
[cheers Green Plastic]
# 6th July 2001
Feeling pulled apart by life | Posted by Paul - 03:13am |

bit more than usual to get through today.
Radiohead have been offered the job of composing the anthem for the 2002 Olympics. There's a short article about it at
Music3W.com. And a snippet below:
"We're tempted, but there's so much sponsorship and advertising involved, and I don't want Radiohead associated with some cigarette brand that sponsors the Olympics." - Thom
A very interesting new product has come the way of Fitter Happier. A music player, in the shape of the crying Amnesiac bear. It has a fair few features such as pics
of the band built in, and high quality sound recordings of Pyramid Song and Dollars & Cents live. Check it out by clicking on the d00d. We'll keep you informed of any developments.
Going to see Radiohead in Oxford this week? You're a lucky bastard! :) And if you don't really know how to get there, w.a.s.t.e have some directions.
MTV.com has opened up their archives, and you can get all sorts of stuff such as interviews, Live at the 10 spot, and the entire "Live in London" series.
THE DAY'S TOURING INFORMATION - Go here for all tour dates.
Two pieces of information for the Chicago show on the 1st of August 2001.
First, there's been a change in the location:
"Please be advised that there has been a field change for the August 1, 2001 performance of Radiohead at Grant Park. The show has been moved from Arvey Field to Hutchinson Field. Showtime remains at 6:30pm. The tickets you now have are valid for the new location, no exchange is needed. If you have any questions regarding this change please call your local Ticketmaster charge-by-phone number and ask for Customer Service."
Incase you're still confused, here's a map of the location. You may need Adobe Acrobat to view it.
Secondly, here's an email I got today about the show:
"If anyone is interested, there is a writing/humor website giving
away two tickets for the Chicago show (8/1). You have to enter this short
story contest which consists of naming the site's mascot (a clown). The
winner gets the two tickets. I know they sold out here and are the hardest
thing to get. Here's the link with info:
The Belfast date on 14th of September has been confirmed and tickets go on sale this saturday at 10am. From where... no idea.
# 1st July 2001
And TRUE LOVE WAITS =D | Posted by Paul - 09:37pm |

ooyakasha!!! Two nice and small, yet extremely interesting pieces of news
First things first: This isn't actually confirmed yet, but rumour has it that the Knives Out single is due out
in the UK on August 6th, and could possibly contain b-sides including Cuttooth, Worry Wort, Life In A Glass House and Fog. Interesting.
Secondly, the band finished their first leg of the US tour with two gigs in Santa Barbara on the 29th and 30th of June. What's interesting is that
on the last gig, they played rare, unreleased, muchly wanted track True Love Waits! As well as Pearly* which
hasn't been in a live setlist for a while. They're still working on True Love Waits! It's not dead! I'm so happy ;_;
Here's some setlists for the gigs:
29th June 2001
30th June 2001
The band's next gig is Oxford on July 7th, and then they'll go into the North American tour second leg on July 30th in Atlanta.