# 29th June 2001
The news slowly filters back in again... | Posted by Paul - 12:20am |

e have small trickles of news for you today in the early hours of the morning.
First things first: Some gig setlists!
- Cynthia Woods Mitchel Pavillion, Houston Texas, USA - June 18th
- Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Denver, USA - June 20th
- Gorge Amphitheatre, George, USA - June 23rd
- Thunderbird Stadium, Vancouver, Canada - June 24th
- Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, USA - June 27th
Big Ideas [Don't Get Any] was played live for the first time in years! Maybe this means
it isn't dead. The lads did stop playing suddenly because they were getting it wrong. But it's a ray of hope. The song is still alive!
Also, a new song called Reckoner was played for the first time on the 23rd at George. It was
previously known as 'Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses', but had never been played live. It's pretty sweet! I think there's an mp3
somewhere floating about on At EASE.
Oh and I might as well mention it here, I put the lyrics up for unreleased song Cuttooth. Again, an mp3 will be
floating about at previously mentioned site.
# 28th June 2001
An announcement | Posted by Paul - 3:23am |

ight. Forking hell an' all that. As you've probably noticed, this place hasn't exactly
been the most up to date of Radiohead sites as of late. I'm sorry, and it's entirely my fault. But at the end of the day, it's like this:
Quite frankly, at the moment I can't be arsed to update this place frequently. You might think that's me being lazy, and in
truth it is. But I refuse to update the site because I feel like I have to. I only update the site when I want to. If I do it because
I feel like I have to then it will become a chore, and I'll dislike it and eventually will just give it up. I want to be updating for the right reasons
and for the time being, I simply don't feel like it.
This is only a temporary thing, so calm down. I just thought I'd let you know incase you're all getting a bit pissed off with me. And that's about it, really.
Good day =D
# 14th June 2001
BLACK EYED ANGELS SWAM WITH ME! | Posted by Paul - 3:00pm |

nyway, our heroes have entered the US billboard charts at #2 with Amnesiac. I knew America
would let us down ;) Apparently there were 231,450 copies sold. Which isn't bad to say it's far from a conventional mainstream record. You can check the charts out here.
Canada, though have done us proud. Amnesiac (I really need to update that page) has entered the Canadian charts at #1. And you can
get a nice story about it here.
Radiohead are filming the Knives Out video, and apparently, this time around it's going to actually
have real people! So why are they leaving Thom out, then? Just jokes... just jokes :) Anyway, here's a snippet of what's being
"Known for abstract animated visuals, art-rockers' new clip will feature singer Thom Yorke.
Radiohead are working on the video for their next single, "Knives Out," and the clip will feature real human beings for a change.
Following the abstract cartoon "iBlips" from Kid A and the computer-animated video for the U.K. single "Pyramid Song," the band decided to go live action on this outing. Directed by Michel Gondry — who helped Björk achieve her quirky vision in the videos for "Human Behaviour," "Hyperballad" and "Bachelorette,"
among others — the video features an appearance by lead singer Thom Yorke himself."
That was from: Sonicnet
Stolen from At EASE: "Hear/Say Music Magazine is holding a
contests for artists who love Radiohead! The assignment: The assignment: Interpret one of the songs or song titles off
Radiohead's newest release Amnesiac into some kind of visual artistic work. We're looking for drawings, paintings,
sculptures, comic strips, macaroni pictures... wherever your mind leads you! The prizes: A set of four Radiohead art
prints and a limited edition version of Amnesiac including a sweet art-filled book! Runners up will each get a copy
of the limited edition version of Amnesiac. Deadline for submissions: August 13, 2001"
Get two reviews of the new album from United Front Webzine.
Go on, have an interview with Colin. I know you want to.
THE DAY'S TOURING INFORMATION Go here for all tour dates.
A gig in Norway has been confirmed. The lads are going to play the Oslo Spectrum on the 9th of September. Tickets on
sale from this place from Saturday. THAT MEANS YOU, SVERRE!
# 12th June 2001
I want to see you smile again... | Posted by Paul - 3:00pm |

limey, I took the piss a bit with the lack of updates, didn't I? No worries, though. The Paulster has everything
under control. Paulster...? *shudder*
Firstly, did you miss the 'Later, with Jools Holland' programme? The lads played a live set exclusively for the BBC show. It
even featured Humphrey Lyttleton on Life In A Glass House! Well it was on on the 9th,
and if like me, you're a silly twat and missed it, do not panic my friend! It repeats on BBC2 at 12:25am on June 17th! Thank
God for repeats!
You can also get a setlist of the show here. And you can download the live debut of Life In A Glass House as an mp3 at At EASE. Y'know, their news page?
Some Amnesiac charty stuff!
> Amnesiac has entered the UK charts at #1
> The Ireland charts at #1
> It's #1 in Finland
> #2 in Australia
> #2 in Germany
And it's likely (though not definite) that it'll enter the US billboard charts at #1 too! =O
The new Radiohead.com is up at last. It's nice, but I prefer the old one. It was more bizarre :|
THE DAY'S TOURING INFORMATION Go here for all tour dates.
Right, after letting the Touring Centre fall behind and become completely out of date, I've
gone and brought it right up to date again. Some dates have been added, some dates are now sold out, and some information has changed. To list all the
changes in the news section would take ages, so just go to the Touring Centre, and check the relevant area/date for you and you'll find what you need, as up to date
as possible. Cheers :)
# 5th June 2001
And this just feels like spinning plates | Posted by Paul - 3:00pm |
mnesiac is now out in the US and Canada. Trust me, people. Buy the limited edition one. It's basically out worldwide now
besides New Zealand (June 11th) and China (never) and... other places, I'm sure.
A few setlists. Well two, actually. The very late one being the Rock im Festival, and the not so late one being the Pinkpop Festival.
Our little friend, the Googly Minotaur is launched today. Add him to your buddy lists with the name 'googlyminotaur' and
talk to him about anything Radiohead, or not, that you want!
Amnesiac Reviews:
> The Dallas Observer
> LA Times
- Pyramid Song dropped to 20th in it's 2nd week in the UK charts after entering at 5th
- It's entered the Australian charts at #25. For shame...
- Even worse is the Netherlands, who place it at #45.
Two interviews with Ed can be found here, and here.
THE DAY'S TOURING INFORMATION Go here for all tour dates.
This is an e-mail from w.a.s.t.e about American tour date tickets:
"Tickets for North American Tour
W.A.S.T.E LOTTERY - w.a.s.t.e have once again begged for some tickets to
sell direct to fans. Please go to http://www.waste.uk.com and click on
NORTH AMERICAN TICKETS. You will have the opportunity to request tickets
for the August USA shows using our lottery system which will start from
12.01 am on June 7th, 2001 until noon on June 10th, 2001. Your request
will be entered into a lottery to see who gets to buy what and where.....
whether youare successful or not, you will be e-mailed within 72 hours of
the close on the 10th.
GENERAL ON-SALE DATE - June16th, 2001
The easiest way to request tickets will be on-line through w.a.s.t.e.
starting one minute after midnight, June 7th, but for those of you
non-internet savvy types out there, you can also purchase tickets or get
information about your request by calling 1-804-951-0327 beginning June
9th at 9:00 am. Our phone lines will be open June 9th from 9:00 am
until 9 pm and on June 10th from 9:00 am until noon. THERE IS NO
Please do not scramble to get there - relax, sit back and take your
time. There is no hurry and no first come first served rush to contend
with.........anytime over those three and a half days will do.
(All times noted above are in Eastern Standard Time for US and Canada)"
Toronto - Molson Park - August 2nd - Internet presale on June 11th @ www.infinit.com. Proper sale on June 16th.
Montreal - Park Jean Drapeu - August 5th - Internet presale on June 11th @ www.infinit.com. Proper sale on June 16th.
Big thanks to Climbing Up The Walls, At EASE and Follow Me Around.
# 4th June 2001
Today is the day we've all been waiting for :D | Posted by Paul - 3:00pm |
![Regular Amnesiac Cover [Click to enlarge]](reg.jpg) hat's right, people! Today Radiohead's new album Amnesiac was released in the UK, Australia, and most of Europe! I went to my local
shop thingy this morning and bought the Limited Edition CD. £13.99, and a bargain for what you get. The regular Amnesiac
is simply a CD case with a picture of a worn out book on the front. It's £9.99 and looks like what you see to your left.
The real cool stuff however, comes with the limited edition version. It's literally, a hardback book. The book you see on the disc cover
for the original, is what the limited edition one is. It is that very book. Inside the book is a slew of full colour glossy artwork pages, and on the
book's inside cover is a wallet for the disc to sit in, and a load of stamped dates and text as if the book was a library book. There's even a little piece of paper
that can be pulled out for when you've taken the book out! I can't stress how ace it is :D
This is the Amnesiac tracklist in all its glory
01. Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
02. Pyramid Song
03. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
04. You And Whose Army?
05. I Might Be Wrong
06. Knives Out
07. The Morning Bell Amnesiac
08. Dollars & Cents
09. Hunting Bears
10. Like Spinning Plates
11. Life In A Glass House
Remember, the US and Canada get Amnesiac tomorrow!
Right, now that's out of the way you can see some scans of the Blender magazine in which Thom is asked questions
mailed in by fans. It's here.
TV Stuff:
> Radiohead will be interviewed on VH1 UK today on 'Talk Music' at 11 pm.
> Ed and Phil will be on MTV UK at 11 pm on 'Brand New' on
June 5 (tomorrow). Repeated on Wednesday on MTV2 UK at 11 pm.
On a completely unrelated note I bought the new Muse single today, 'New Born'. I'm not too into Muse, but I liked this one, and I was
in a record shop (buying Amnesiac) with a lot of money, so I thought 'Why not?' And I did. Indeed. Great song, but the artwork for the single
was a complete ripoff of the stuff from OK Computer. It had people like, drawn in the same way. Mountains in the background (drawn of course)
a coloured shape of a plane taking off. People sitting at a table. The light blue colour scheme was even used! *angry* =O I thought their first album was full of 'We think we're Radiohead from 1995'
songs anyway. But I let them off because the new stuff is actually very good, and not too Radiohead-like. But come on, lads! Get your own artwork!
# 2nd June 2001
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was! | Posted by Paul - 3:00pm |
ickets for Japan gigs in Osaka 30/9 and Yokohama 3/10 are now on sale at w.a.s.t.e. Bit expensive though.
Speaking of Japan, the band are also MTV Japan's Band Of The Month. Not to mention the fact
that they're Yahoo's Band Of The Month too! *clap*
This here site has some excellent scans of the Amnesiac booklet for you to have a ganders at.
Also, we hear that said album is not to arrive in New Zealand until June 11th. Plus, the Pyramid Song single isn't going to
be released there at all!! *sob* There are... no words.. Not even Germany deserves this...
-- Chart Watch -- or... something. Canada have done us proud. Pyramid Song is #2 in their singles charts.
The new Radiohead.com is going to be online this Monday, says good old Stanley.
The setlist for last night's gig in Germany is here. You can get a review from Green Plastic Radiohead's news page, too.
Capitol Records have this to say:
"June 5th marks the arrival of not only Radiohead's
5th album, Amnesiac, but the launch of the
"soon to be world famous" GooglyMinotaur. Befriend
him by adding his name to your instant message
buddy list. He's got the 411 on Radiohead past,
present and future. But, that's not all... he'll challenge
you with Radiohead trivia, hangman and more.
Remind friends of the minotaur's quintessential
Amnesiac existence by collecting all four of his buddy
icons and swapping them"
Plus, Radiohead is being crowned
"Yahoo! Band of the Month" for June. The inauguration
begins with an auction for front row seats to see the band
on the first leg of their tour. The bidding starts with
Houston and Denver. We'll keep you updated as
Yahoo puts more hot tickets on the auction block.
MTV's Ten Spot will feature a special live Radiohead
performance taped at France's Canal + this
Tuesday, June 5th (in case you've forgotten the date!)
Showtime is 10:30pm EST/PST. Tune in.
Plus watch webcasts of the Oxford fivesome rocking
France and Germany and catch up with Thom, Colin
and Ed in their latest interview with Radio 1.
Thanks to Climbing Up The Walls for the ability to steal information. This has been the news @ Fitter Happier. Goodnight.
# 1st June 2001
I'm on the road to nowhere, do be doo... | Posted by Paul - 3:00pm |
ou can find a bunch of mp3s from the Vaison la Romaine, France concert on At EASE's news page.
It's rumoured that Amnesiac is hitting stores early worldwide. Copies have been found in
Japan, Chile and Norway. Remember, it officially goes on sale in 3 days!
You can get a bunch of Amnesiac reviews below:
> The Guardian
> Alternative Press @ At EASE
> Spin Again, thanks At EASE
> Poland.com [in Polish]
> Rolling Stone
> Nude As The News
> Wall Of Sound
> The NME
And a bunch of band interviews:
> Thom, Colin and Jonny on Radio 1 with Mark & Lard. You can download the solo Pyramid Song performance by Thom here.
> Jonny at The Dallas Observer
> Phil in yesterday's Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad'
> Thom in this month's OOR magazine in the Netherlands
In this month's Creative Review (UK Magazine) there will be a free DVD to their subscribers, which includes
"a complete set of the 43 Radiohead Kid A blipverts directed by Shynola and Chris Bran". Excellent!
Apparently, Pitchfork think that a Knives Out EP will be
released in the UK on July 24th. Here's hoping =D More news as we get it.
Tickets to the Montreal gig on August 5th are to go on sale at 10am on the 11th of June from Admission.com.
The setlist for the gig in Italy on Wednesday is here.
The Pinkpop festival that Radiohead are to play at, can be watched at this site.
The Pyramid Song single has shot in to #3 in the Norwegian charts. Well done, lads!
Lots of news stolen thanks to
Follow Me Around | Green Plastic Radiohead | Climbing Up The Walls | At EASE.