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# October 30, 2001

You can read more about Radiohead winning Best Band In The World at the Q Awards, at any of these websites:
+ Undercover
+ Yahoo
+ Jam!
+ BBC Radio 1
+ Q4music
+ Dotmusic
They all probably just say the same thing, but there you go. Variety is the spice of Radiohead news.. or something. I'm a bit gutted the Stereophonics didn't win anything.. They're only the 2nd best band in the world! =O
And then there's a review of I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings in Rolling Stone. You can have a ganders at it here, which is courtesy of the lovely Follow Me Around.
Also, to anyone interested in that string album 'Strung Out on OK Computer', you can listen to 30 second long clips of each track at CD Now. And if you like it, use a link on the left to buy it =D
Posted by Paul @ 1:12 PM
# October 29, 2001

Radiohead have won the title of 'World's Best Act' at the Q Awards! Having to beat off competition from Travis, Stereophonics, Manic Street Preachers and more.. Apparently, the Q Awards are well respected... And stuff. Praised as one of the only UK bands lately to have any success in the US. Anyway.. read the full article. Nice one, Super Ste.
Posted by Paul @ 5:10 PM
You can download the new I Might Be Wrong video at Capitol Records. It's the one directed by Sophie Muller for TV, not the Internet one. I don't really like it, but check it out to see what you think.
Internet newspaper type of thing This Is Oxfordshire has an article about the I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings EP. I can't find it anywhere on the site, but apparently they've confirmed that the tracks Morning Bell, Idioteque, Dollars & Cents and I Might Be Wrong were all taken from the July 7th Oxford gig. The rest were taken from this year's gigs in Germany, France and Norway.
There are no plans to release the entire Oxford gig.
The lads made it to Time's 10 Best Bands on Earth list... They're at the top, but it doesn't look like they're meant to be taken in any particular order. Sod that.. They're at the top!! =D More Info.
Those lovely pieces were all taken from Follow Me Around.
Posted by Paul @ 1:06 PM
# October 27, 2001

Scrips and scrapes...
If you're trying to download the I Might Be Wrong mp3s from this site then some geezer called Brendan has set up a mirror for you. It's here. Yay.
A British charity is offering a very cool framed print of Kid A signed by all of the band. "HOW DO I GET HOLD OF SUCH A WONDERFUL THING PLEASE?!?!" you ask? Well, click here and all will be revealed. Cheers Liquidcat.
There's more info about that Strung Out OK Computer album I mentioned the other day (see here) at this site. They're mostly quicktime videos and aren't worth it if you have a 56k. But, there you have it anyway.
Finally, think I have some release date confirmations concerning the I Might Be Wrong EP (Yes I'm aware that this site was the only one confused in the first place).
Japan - November 7th
UK & Europe - November 12th
US & Canada - November 13th
Also, the price at is only like 9 quid, which is considerably cheaper than the price of a full album. So.. maybe it''s only the Americans who are gonna get ripped off? =O
Oh, and I got that job I went for today =D
Posted by Paul @ 12:18 AM
# October 25, 2001

According to Bigmouth - UK Festivals, Radiohead are to be appearing at Glastonbury 2002. Along with Coldplay, Rod Stewart, The Strokes and Starsailor. That would be cool, after this year's Glastonbury was cancelled... Though the bloke who runs it (can't recall his name) did say that Radiohead are the greatest band in the world =O
Also, the Blitz Awards in Lisbon, Portugal were dished out last night, and our favourite band managed to scoop two of them. International Album (Kid A) and International Band respectively. Colin and Ed were there to pick them up, too.
Cheers to Green Plastic for that.
Finally, that string album Strung Out on OK Computer is out now, and you can get it from both CD Now and Amazon.
Now, I have an interview to get to! *runs*
Posted by Paul @ 12:55 PM
# October 23, 2001

German site has some mp3s of the Berlin 2001 Radiohead gig in their downloads section. Check them out here. [cheers Bjorn]
Posted by Paul @ 2:13 PM
3 tracks from the live I Might Be Wrong EP are to be aired live tonight on Radio 1 show Steve Lamacq live. It starts at 8pm, but you might have to sit through Green Day live before it comes on. Go here if your constant need for information takes control of you. But I pretty much said everything already.
In this week's issue of Belgian magazine HUMO, there's an interview wth Naomi Klein. She had this to say about Radiohead fans:
"When Radiohead started talking about 'No Logo' in interviews, I got a massive number of letters from 16 year olds from all over the world. They swallowed every word Thom Yorke said, like it was the happy message. And on his recommendations they all went and read my book. Their letters were very sweet. For most of them 'No Logo' was the first political book they read. Many were shocked and wanted to know what it is they can do about it, they wanted to know where they could go, what stuff they may or may not buy. They were very young and naïve, but I took them absolutely serious. I felt an incredible, crushing responsibility to offer them something."
Anyone else overwhelmed with the urge to say 'I see'? Anyway, cheers for that Yannick, mate.
A live album from Neil Finn (due out November 12) is to feature Jonny Marr, Ed O'Brien and Phil Selway. It's going to be called 7 Worlds Collide, and if you care enough then you can head over to Green Plastic's news page to read more. Thanks GP.
Posted by Paul @ 11:57 AM
# October 22, 2001

You can download the I Might Be Wrong video that was shown on TV (not the Internet one) at this site: Latino America. It's in .asf format. Not sure what that is, but anyway. Get it here. Now you'll all understand those screenshots I made (see here).. Ho hum...
And you can download the full I Might Be Wrong live EP in mp3 format from the site Go here for that. Or if you're having trouble with those, this site also has them. And they're also floating around IRC. Can't miss 'em really. Me personally, I'm going to wait for the release... Or try to... I said that with Amnesiac though, and didn't.
That's about it, mates. Cheers to At Ease and More Productive Radiohead for those bits.
Posted by Paul @ 10:10 AM
# October 21, 2001

I put a new Poll up on the left. Fave unreleased song. Get info for each by clicking on its name. A tough one, but I voted for Big Boots [Man O' War].
Posted by Paul @ 10:46 AM
Some stuff in an email from Capitol Records..
iBlip 2.0 is to be getting an update so keep your eyes out for that. Not sure what kind of update yet, but it's to do with the I Might Be Wrong EP... Our good friend, Googly is to be updated too. I'd just like to take this time to announce that me and Googly are in love. He's always there for me, and though he always turns down my sexual offers, I know deep down he cares about me. *Ahem* anyway... on to more serious things.
An EMI compilation called 'United We Stand' is to be released. Featuring loads of artists (not Radiohead though), 100% of the proceeds will be going to the American Red Cross, and that's why I'm putting it up here... Even though it has naff-all to do with Radiohead. It contains 14 tracks, and apparently... should be out on November 6th. Don't know much else.. the email was long and I've only just woken up.
Lastly, you can get an interview with Thom at the Swedish radio station P3, here. Apparently, they aren't gonna be there long, so go now! Unless you don't want to... that's okay too. Just calm down, mate. Thanks More Productive Radiohead.
Posted by Paul @ 10:17 AM
# October 20, 2001

Anyone who was interested in the Radiohead laser show at The Fels Planetarium (read more about that here), there's going to be another one at the Museum Of Science in Boston.
I believe Green Plastic said it best, when it said:
"From the MOS Website: Radiohead's innovative music enters the realm of laser light in this show, which draws from the critically-acclaimed albums "OK Computer", "The Bends", and the recently released "Kid A" and "Amnesiac". Songs like "Karma Police", "The National Anthem", and "High and Dry" take on a whole new level of meaning with the help of live artistic interpretation.
For showtimes and ticket information, go to the Museum of Science Website."
So there.
Posted by Paul @ 6:57 PM
# October 19, 2001

Follow Me Around wakes up and provides us with the following news:
Remember that MTV:Europe Radiohead special? (see here) Well it turned into a complete Radiohead night (October 23rd), and it looks like this:
9:30pm: So 90's Radiohead special
11:00pm: Live Radiohead
11:30pm: Alternative Nation Radiohead special
1:00am: Radiohead: Played In Full
So like, MTV:Europe better include the UK, or there's going to be some strongly worded emails sent to.. Well.. an automated robot probably.
You can vote for Radiohead in Spin's 2001 readers poll. There are quite a few categories... So go here and VOTE!
The band won the award of 'Most Wired Musician' at the Rave Awards. I don't know what the Rave Awards are, but there you have it.
Posted by Paul @ 1:14 PM
Wow, are all the other websites dead or something? Anyway, these bits are from Green Plastic Radiohead:
AliveOne are going to be having a release party for the I Might Be Wrong EP... You know the drill, live tracks played, free stuff given away. And there's going to be a midnight sale of the EP, too. That's on November 12th, and for more details get your arse over to Alive One.
The Fels Planetarium (part of the Franklin Institute) in Philadephia, PA will begin showing a "Laser Radiohead" show each Friday and Saturday night at 9:30pm starting this Friday, October 19th. Tickets are $8.00 and may be purchased the evening of the show. Seating is limited. For more details, check out this page.
And lastly, that episode of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast with Thom and Bjork in it is to be repeated on the Cartoon Network this Sunday, October 21st at 11:30pm ET & PT
Posted by Paul @ 5:49 AM
# October 18, 2001

Okay this isn't really Radiohead news but someone could have told me that the Poll on the left wasn't working... I thought it was a bit
weird that no one at all had voted for Trans Atlantic Drawl, Worrywort or The Amazing Sounds of Orgy. Turns out the thing was broken... I've fixed it now, but no doubt loads of the votes are already messed up. I'll change it tomorrow... Meh.
Posted by Paul @ 6:47 PM
# October 17, 2001

Apparently, Capitol Records have lots of cool stuff up on their site. These news snippets are courtesy of Follow Me Around:
+ Streaming audio versions of Idioteque, Like Spinning Plates and True Love Waits from the new I Might Be Wrong Live thingy.
+ Live video of the Life In A Glass House recording with Humphrey Lyttleton from that Jools Holland show.
Yes well it all sounds very nice, but I didn't find any I Might Be Wrong audio when I went to the site. Then again, it never was the easiest of sites to navigate... That big massive window confuses the smeg out of me...
EDIT: Okay, you can stream that exclusive audio from here. Nice one, James!
Also, as you may see to your left, the I Might Be Wrong thing is going to be out in Canada on 13th too. I'm getting quite worried.. no one has mentioned a UK release yet.. Capitol Records assumes the entire world is American. Do they think Radiohead are American though? Now there's a question.
MTV:Europe will be showing a Radiohead special on the show 'MTV:New'. It's on October 17th, and apparently includes some video footage of the Stockholm shows.
Brad Mehldau's piano version of Paranoid Android is to appear on this year's Groundwork Organisation CD. More info here.
That's about it really... Oh yeah, Green Plastic reckon that True Love Waits from the new live EP was on Los Angeles radio station KCRW last night. Keep your ears open... Don't know how you'd close them anyway, but meh.
Posted by Paul @ 7:06 AM
# October 13, 2001

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone that has sent in corrections for the A-Z of Radiohead Songs page.. I really appreciate the help, and I'll update it as soon as I can! So anyway, back to regular news...
Some of TV type junk...:
October 18th - 12am (midnight) into October 19th: MTV Europe show 'Alternative Nation' will be showing an hour of the lads gig at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado. Though I've checked some TV listings and 'MTV Europe' does not mean 'MTV UK' =( Anyway, thanks for the info, Miro!
October 20th - 2pm: Just a reminder of Rocktober Weekend's 'Radiohead - Played In Full' special. That's in the Netherlands.
November 27th - 9pm (Sydney time): Radiohead 'Reflections on Kid A', a 60 minute show will be repeated on Channel V (Australia). Cheers Follow Me Around.
Posted by Paul @ 11:45 PM
# October 11, 2001

You can download mp3s of True Love Waits and Pearly* from last month's Tokyo show in the downloads section of Nice one for the email, lads.
Something called Rocktober weekend is going on in the Netherlands (if you're from there, I'm assuming you know what I'm on about). Anyway, there'll be a 1-hour Radiohead special called 'Radiohead - Played In Full' on at 2pm this Saturday. Ace.
[nice one Follow Me Around]
Nothing else even near to worth mentioning. =D
Posted by Paul @ 4:13 PM
# October 10, 2001

Firstly... Happy late birthday Thom!! =D Last... Sunday I think.. Was Thom's birthday. He's now 33. Blimey =o Sorry this is late, but... I've been busy.. ish. Nothing To Fear is hosting some online events and presents for him.. Go check them out!
And Radiohead have been nominated for this year's Q Music Awards in no less than two categories. Firstly, they're in for 'best act in the world today'. In that they're actually going against some quality bands such as Travis, Stereophonics (what a band!), U2, REM and the Manic Street Preachers. They're also in for best album with Amnesiac. They have some competition there too... PJ Harvey, Muse, Stereophonics, Travis et al...
Nigel Godrich was is also nominated for best producer with Amnesiac and The Invisible Band (Travis' one... bit pants compared to The Man Who... if you ask me).
Go here and vote vote vote!
Yes and finally (this isn't really news but...) the Song Tablature section of Fitter Happier has been built and completed and is now online for your enjoyment =D So there you have it.
Posted by Paul @ 1:35 AM
# October 5, 2001

Radiohead's final gig of the 2001 tour has come to an end in Japan, with three encores. You can get a setlist here.
That is all =O
Posted by Paul @ 11:13 PM
# October 4, 2001

A setlist for last night's gig in Yokohama, Japan is here.
Posted by Paul @ 7:18 PM
The cover for the new 'mini-album' I Might Be Wrong, has been revealed. And it is here:

Click to make it bigger.. And stuff. Looks kinda weird, huh? I think it's genuine though... Anyway
FITTER HAPPIER EXLUSIVE!!! We have the first screenshots of the 'I Might Be Wrong' video! Yes, that's right =O Here they are:

Don't they look AMAZING?! No, these aren't screenshots. But you'll get the joke when you see the video. I promise you. Ahh, the perks of being British. Anyway, I have seen the video, and it's quite good if not.. weird. And very dark. Not in a moody sense, though. In a 'there is no light and I am going to bump into the wall' kind of sense. It is different to the Internet one. Thom and Jonny are both in it... Ish.
Finally, yesterday I forgot to give a link for where you can vote for Radiohead at the VH1 music awards... Go vote your arse off!.
I'll have another Japan setlist later... Tired now.. Only just got up... 3pm... Bloody hell...
Posted by Paul @ 3:39 PM
# October 3, 2001

Radiohead have been nominated for four awards at the My VH1 Music Awards. The categories are: 'Best Kept Secret', 'My Favourite Group', 'Hottest Live Show', and 'Favourite Video', for the Knives Out one.
Also, you can apparently now pre-order the new 'I Might Be Wrong' mini-album at Amazon, if you click here. And if you order from Amazon, they'll knock a total of .. (wait for it) SEVENTY CENTS off the list price for you!!! Amazing, eh? They're charging $13.27... That's like, roughly a tenner in English money. We don't have any details about the English release yet.. Gutted.
Cheers for those, More Productive Radiohead.
Also, the band did play a gig in Tokyo last night. And it was good. Setlist here.
Also, Jonathan has managed to get Green Plastic Radiohead back online. Which is a relief... Just... because it is. Yay.
EDIT: Why do I type 'also' so freakin' much?
Posted by Paul @ 4:38 PM
Capitol Records have confirmed the name of the new 'mini-album' is 'I Might Be Wrong'. Maybe everyone else knew that.. but oh well. Now they're saying November 13th release. Oh well.
Here's an email full of lovely information from them:
Features Previously Unreleased "True Love Waits"
Radiohead will release an eight-song live
collection November 13th, featuring material culled
from performances last summer in Oslo, Berlin,
Vaison Le Romaine (Southern France) and the
band's historic July 7 homecoming show in
Oxford's South Park.
Titled I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings, the
record features live versions of three songs from
Amnesiac, four from Kid A and the previously
unreleased (though oft-bootlegged) "True Love Waits."
The complete track listing, in order, is:
"The National Anthem," "I Might Be Wrong,"
"Morning Bell," "Like Spinning Plates," "Idioteque,"
"Everything In Its Right Place," "Dollars And Cents"
and "True Love Waits."
Radiohead concludes its world tour October 4
in Japan. There are no plans for further touring in
support of I Might Be Wrong at present."
More later, it's still early in the morning.
Posted by Paul @ 2:42 AM
# October 2, 2001

MTV UK (yes, you know the one) is now airing a new I Might Be Wrong video. It's different to the one we've all seen on the Internet. Directed by some lass known as Sofie Muller, it was aired on the show Brand:New, and it will be repeated Wednesday at 7pm, Thursday at 12pm (is 12pm midnight or noon? Answers on a postcard to...) and Friday at 7pm. UK time, I'm assuming.
Yes, here are two other snippets 'borrowed' from Follow Me Around:
Muchmusic (Canada) will be repeating the episode of 'The Wedge' which featured live footage and interviews from the Barrie (August 3) show this Friday at 11 pm EST.
And WDR (German TV Channel) is going to re-broadcast Radiohead's appearance at the Rock am Ring Festival (June 1) on October 14 some time between 0.55 and 6.15 am.
That one is from Yes.
Finally, if you're going to one of those Japan gigs... Please send a setlist or review to Nice one.
Posted by Paul @ 6:01 PM
# October 1, 2001

The lads played the 2nd gig in Japan last night, which included the Can cover 'The Thief'. Thom dedicated the song to President George
Bush "who will always be a thief and a puppet for somebody else" - followed by Ed`s quiet comment "they`ll probably come and attack us now"
Nothing else to report... here is the setlist in full.
Posted by Paul @ 2:28 PM
Ahh... a new month, a fresh news page. And not a lot of news =D Typical day.
This isn't exactly news, but I worked my arse off for it so I'm putting it here. I have compiled a very comprehensive A-Z list of Radiohead Songs. With links to every single version of every song, the lyrics to it, when it was released, links to what discs it was released on and everything... It took me ages.
It's pretty long, but I'm proud of it. You can find it here: The A-Z Of Radiohead Songs.
If you spot any errors, or know something I don't... Please email me about it.
And just incase you're confused you can find September's News in the Archives.
Posted by Paul @ 1:38 AM
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